Wednesday, January 23, 2019

What is Python ?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language with an elegant syntax that allows programmers to focus more on problem-solving rather than syntax errors. One of the primary goals of python's Developers is keeping it fun to use.

Python is becoming universal, but you must be wondering why python has become such a hot topic in the developer's world. Python can be utilized for a wide range of applications such as scripting, developing and testing. Because of its elegance and simplicity, Dropbox, Google, Quora, Hewlett-Packard, and so many top tech-companies have already implemented Python.

There are some characteristics of python programming which makes it a popular language are 

1.Python has a huge collection of rich data types.
2.The syntax of python is easily readable.
3.When we compared python to other programming language, python provides more run-time flexibility.
4.python is a platform-independent scripted language which comes with the features to have complete acces to operating system API's.
5.The basic text manipulation facilities of Aek and perl is also included in python.
6.There is a module in pyhton where we can have more the one classes and free functions.
7.The libraries available in pyhtons are cross-platform compatible, which can run on any platform windows,lunix,macOS.
8.Python can be easily compiled to byte-code, that's the reason it is most suitable for building large applications.
9.Python also provides feature to supports functional and structured programming as well as OOP concepts.
10.In pyhton, there is no editing,debugging testing and compilation step,so it is very fast.
11.Python supports interactive mode which allows interacting test and debugs for snippets of code.